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Monday, February 07, 2005
Super Bowel Something about me and my relationship to sports has changed. Except for baseball I no longer care about the events themselves--mostly because they're too slow and not enough happens--and I'm content to follow the stats and results alone. So, it's more important to me that I was right in my prediction of the game (an Eagles backdoor cover and the under), than that the game was entertaining. It actually was pretty decent, but nothing about it forced me to stop flipping through magazines. What's that Donovan McNabb is throwing another interception? Oh, they're punting again? [You may be saying to yourself, "When did I read Robert's predictions for Eagles covering and taking the under?" Well, unless you were the student I emailed my predcitions to on Saturday, you probably missed it. But, I have the email to prove it.] I'm tired of the whole concert thing before the game. "Hey gang, let's go scream our heads off for a bunch of mediocre current acts who are lip synching!" I don't mind a concert at halftime if it's U2. I guess Sir Paul was fine. Still, I prefer something shorter. The game should be enough on its own. And the ads were pretty weak, though I confess to missing a few to play in the kitchen. I was surprised that after Budweiser's ad mocking the Janet Jackson situation was pulled that the ad made it to air; apparently the NFL put the kibosh on a second airing. Nevertheless, I'd say she, Nikki Cappelli (if that is her real name, was the breakout character this year. Look for the requisite FHM spread in a couple months. (You can view the ad that aired and the full two minute version here. Note: she's definitely the kind of girl that looks better from a distance.) I think the one that everyone will go sentimental on is the Budweiser one with the troops coming home. That'd be a nice ad for when they're coming home for good. Will we see random, spontaneous standing ovations now wherever more than two uniformed soldiers are? I guess since it's a (more or less) volunteer military, you have to give them credit. Still, the ad itself felt unseemly to me. It's like we've outsourced responsibility for defending the country to these people, and we get to absolve ourselves of responsibility for their deaths or injuries by clapping for them and knowing they volunteered. As the song goes, "We eat and drink while tomorrow they die."
Nikki Cappelli is the name of the daughter of one of the people associated with the ad. The actress' name is Candice Michelle. More info here. And she's already been in Playboy, apparently.
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