Frustrated with dissertation data. Struggling to make a compelling question out of rancid data.
Went to Jackson, MS last week. Apart from its being in Mississippi and all the red state baggage that entails, it is pretty nice little city, with my favorite hotel, The Edison Walthall Hotel.
Miscellaneous SAS freelance stuff is going alright. One fell through (just got tired of back and forth on the specs, so I quit), the other is just about done. Again, fortunately, nothing new is scheduled.
Go to Boston for a research conference a week from Fri. Presentation is Sat., but the highlight will be getting into Fenway Mon. night and seeing my friend from Vanderbilt while I'm up there.
Just shy of 3 weeks until my LASIK surgery. Nervous, less about the procedure, though that has amplified some, but more about what it reveals about me (i.e., I'm shockingly vain). I hope this isn't the anti-Powerball jackpot that I finally "win."
Still haven't settled on a triathlon. I'm worried that the LASIK will somehow incapacitate me (e.g., can I really swim in a hyperchlorinated pool with scarred eyeballs even with goggles?). I probably mentioned this before, but I am thinking I might add a marathon to my portfolio this year, one on my birthday and in Baltimore, 10/15.
Why is it, with all the information stored on the magnetic strip on your credit and debit cards (not to mention stored at the bank), that the ATM machine still feels the need to ask me what language I prefer? Can't that be added to my strip, or can't I call my bank and ask them to have that default information accessible to the card/machine when I swipe?
I have a Curb Your Enthusiasm spec script bouncing in my head. Probably pointless to write a spec script for an improvised show that's almost entirely controlled by the Larry David and Jeff Garlin, but what the heck. I'm going to commit as much as possible to paper; we'll see if I can finish something.